There is hope in the smallest of acts
There are only fifteen notches in his belt. The first, probably the most difficult and painful was the first day away from his beloved bride. After a few months on shore, the reality of being back on the floating iron giant, one can see the lines on his forehead and along the eyes. The remaining, yet unmarked notches, stand just beyond one hundred and fifty. That is how many days he would have to wake up without her at his side.
As Chris meets the third officer in Durban, he needs no special qualifications to diagnose a severe condition of the heart within the man from India. His body language shouts despondency, powerlessness and exhaustion. His empty eyes stare into nothingness. In itself, that is a sign of a sombre story that does not allow a prognosis of speedy recovery.
'It is only day fifteen', he states heavily and stiffly, as if the weight of the statement is unbearable. He is quiet and Chris sort of expects that he is about to leave and disappear into the bowels of the iron vessel.
But, he sits. He tries to explain the implications of working at sea. He tries to explain, with emphasis, how difficult it is to be far and away from those you love. Chris can only try to understand. He can listen, encourage, be there and pray.
It sounds like nothing, nothing essential. It sounds so simple, but it is rare. It is rare to find someone that really listens without constantly checking his watch and without a personal agenda. This is rare wherever you are, on land too. It is even rarer when you live on the open seas within the confines of a giant ship with only a handful of colleagues on the floating vessel.
As Chris leaves the man explains with half a smile that Chris' visit is the highlight at notch 15. This is how enormous it is to find someone willing to listen to you...
For this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Donors make a huge difference every day, often considered non-important and simple. Sometimes there is hope in the smallest of acts. In each of these small moments, the Kingdom of God becomes a matter of importance.