Gregori is a third officer on board the PACIFIC ANGEL*. In broken English he talks to Danie when he sees the Russian Bibles displayed in the dining room.

It is like the perfect storm, says the Philippine man to Nico. It is as if the universe’s elements work together to create a destructive phenomenon. Nothing can be saved. Everything is threatened...

Early on Friday morning I received the WhatsApp message. Six seamen had died in an accident in the Durban harbour.

I had no idea of what had happened and checked Google to find out what I could. I was shocked to realise that I knew the vessel well. 

On Monday 26 March, this seafarer had a very bad fall on his ship in Richards Bay and injured his hip and spine. Loffie made sure he got a brand new Cebuano Bible to read. Thank you to our donors for making it possible!

Donations: sms cso to 42030 to donate R30 or click here for other options.

Enrico is from the Philippines and it was his first visit to South Africa. He is a young man, full of joy and energy. For him the time spent on board the ship was a huge adventure. It was his maiden voyage and according to him, it was the beginning of a very promising career at sea.  
