It seems as if the black dog is the disease of our time. It may be the biggest challenge of our era. Some say that the animal reflects the signs of our time.

Technology is working hard on board the IRON LADY in Coega, where ore is delivered deep into the belly of the hungry, unsatisfied ship. Danie knows immediately that he is not really welcome.

When I was younger, I always found patience impossible. I was impatient when I struggled with something, or when I had to wait in line at the bank or shop. I was impatient with the people I talked to, especially if they did not understand me immediately. Impatience has always been my personal battle.

The opening scene is a Manger, the closing scene is a Cross. The screenplay requires soft lighting in the Manger and a scorching sun, blistering a small hill called Golgotha. It is about a life between a stable and a Cross...

War, bomb, machine gun. Tank, missile and clouds of smoke .... how will these affect tomorrow? This is the refrain of about twenty seamen from Syria.
